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Gerard SIOEN

Boulbon , BOUCHES-DU-RHôNE (13)


Languages: French
Production: Available

Gérard Sioen began photographing in 1974 during a long trip to the United States.
Party looking for the photographer Ernst Haas-his master- he will never meet him,
but will keep in mind the ideal of the Austrian photographer, devoted entirely to the cult of nature.
Tirelessly walking paths and paths, scanning the sky, watching the clouds,
Gérard Sioen watches for the ideal light that will illuminate the village or the lavender fields,
architecture and landscape forming the main motif of his photographic quest.
First dreamed, imagined, photography will be taken later
when the lighting will be ideally in place. Refusing filters and other accessories,
he wants to show without effects and communicate naturally the emotion felt before the beauty of a landscape.
Photographer reporter, reporter of images, he collects, accumulates and classifies the photographs,
noting precisely the names of the sites, just as an entomologist does with his finest pieces,
to better show them, to better remember.
Whether transparent, diaphanous, diffuse or sparkling, Gérard Sioen likes,
before all the light, the lights because they know how to iris, to splash
and to make flicker forms which without them, would remain without life, in the shadow.



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